Thumb Nail Sketches

When I first started this project, I decided to draw five thumbnail sketches each day. Something different would come to my head and I would jot it down in a note book while I was in class to bring back for later. I think my goal was to see how creative I could get with my drawings. I’m not the best artist, but my mom told me the best drawing sometimes comes along with not thinking and just doing. For the past week, all I have done is doodled my initials on notebooks. I’ve drawn at least 200 thumbnails, but only the best 36 made it into my sketchbook. I wanted to see what I was capable of; knowing I wasn’t the best artist, but having a great amount of creativity.

The detailed thumb nail I decided to use was my key tag design. It took me about ten minutes to finish the tag itself. The initials took a while as well, but I thought it was my best thumbnail because I took so much time on it. I drive a jeep wrangler and my father works for a car dealership back in my hometown, so my older brothers’ first cars were both red jeep wranglers. My father bought his first car at 18, and it was also a red jeep wrangler. Of course I had to finish the tradition and make my first car the same (fun story), but back to the point I thought it was fun to make a little key chain design. It took me the longest, and I put a lot of time and effort into it.

I’d say my AHA moment was when I was drawing my thumbnails over my letters. It took me a while to figure out each shape, and how it would fit with each design of my initials. I drew all of the tags or whatever you call it after I finished all of my initial designs. I thought my last initial design as well was pretty strong, so I want to include that with my other detail photo. It’s an inside joke between my basketball teammates from home and I. We always would yell “SLIMEEEEE” at the top of our lungs, so I tried to make a cool slime like pattern for the boys.

The connections I made in class weren’t so much as to what I learned through readings, but what I’ve learned about my own creativity. This blog post, and the past classes we’ve had these last two weeks have shown me how creative I really can be. Doing sketches in class, and being able to let my mind go and draw different designs just of my initials has taught me how my thought process and self design ability works. Very cool.

If I had more time I would have focused more on the tags rather than the initials. I didn’t really focus on that aspect as much as I wanted to. However, I really do love the effort I put into each thumb nail.

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