Mind Map A Problem

By: Brett Grospitch

For the mind map assignment, I took the time to think about something important to me. Recently,I’ve been obsessed with the idea of finding my inner peace. Peaceful living is something I currently strive for at this moment in my life.

 For my design, I decided to make a peace sign in the middle. I made my branches out of what I wanted to be a lava lamp design. I tried my best to be creative but I rarely draw. As shown in the illustration, there are quite a few aspects that are important to finding inner peace. Words such as meditation selflessness, happiness, and patience are all crucial to being where I want to be. 

When I first sat down and thought about the different qualities finding peace required, I thought about meditation right off the bat. The ability to have silence and calmness only helps you find yourself, and allows you to clear your mind. That branch is definitely very important. It wasn’t until later in the day when I really had time to think about another important aspect. I can’t stress enough about how important it is to be happy. To be able to love yourself and be happy will only create a positive atmosphere for you to be in. I am most certainly an optimist so I put that down. Smile was a last minute add on. My grandmother always tells me to smile so that has to be apart of the mind map because I love her. 

Selflessness took me time to really think about, and I’d say it was my AHA moment because that was when I realized for myself, what the final key was for finding my own peace.Being selflessness allows a human being to be so genuine. I always care about situations when they are brought to me, and I aspire to be an understanding person. 

Compassion was brought to my attention when I asked my mother what she thought. It takes compassion because when you put significant others before yourself, that is the best kind of selflessness there is. I also mentioned patience which is very important to finding inner peace with yourself. It’s not going to be a one and done thing. Finding peace will take time, and it will take effort to try and search for that peace. If you can achieve that, however, it must be very satisfying. 

For my second drawing, my main word was love. I went for a little romantic design; making roses as my branches, with thorns going up and down. I thought it fit the theme for love. 

I wanted my focus to be a little different. I don’t know much about love, and I would not say it is much of a problem in my life, but love is important to me from a certain standpoint; loving others and yourself. Affection brings the feeling of being loved back by someone else;whether it be friends or family. It can also bring confusion and sadness if a relationship doesn’t go well that is important to you. 

I took love out of finding your inner peace because I thought love was very important. Loving yourself and others only brings positivity. It takes a large amount of confidence in yourself and whoever else you share love with. If you are not confident in yourself, then that love is not at its purest form. If you are not confident with who you give your love to, then trust might accompany struggles to keep your love whole. Ever see those movies where the person looks themselves in the mirrors and hypes themselves up? That is confidence. Confidence is one of the key aspects to loving yourself and others. That is why I made it one of the main branches.

If I had more resources, I would’ve loved to paint my drawing instead of coloring it. I was into the lava lamp design for my first illustration. Painting and blending the colors would have looked so cool. I want to start trying to use all of the paper. I realized my illustrations do not take up the whole sheet and I could do a lot more in my drawings with it. 

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